Chiropractic Massage Therapy in Altamonte Springs
Massage and chiropractic go hand in hand to improve the overall health and wellness of the patient while decreasing the need for surgery and other types of conventional treatment.
Massage is the manipulation of the muscles and tissues of the body using gentle and slow movements, a bit of force, kneading, and pressing. It helps ease the tension of the muscles that may have become knotted or cramped, causing pain. It is also a good way to release the toxins from the body, thereby boosting the immune system.
Massage is the manipulation of the muscles and tissues of the body using gentle and slow movements, a bit of force, kneading, and pressing. It helps ease the tension of the muscles that may have become knotted or cramped, causing pain. It is also a good way to release the toxins from the body, thereby boosting the immune system.
Chiropractic massage is one of most preferred treatments for people suffering from lower back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, at least 30 million people in the country will develop chronic lower back pain. The method also works for people who have been experiencing pain in other parts of the body, especially if the pain is due to a problem in the musculoskeletal or nervous system, including fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.
The outcome of chiropractic massage is varied. Sometimes it helps manage the pain, but it doesn’t treat the condition. There are also others who have been treated by the technique. Others take only one adjustment while some need more. Dr. Kim will customize a plan based on the expectations and needs of the patient to achieve the desired results.
The outcome of chiropractic massage is varied. Sometimes it helps manage the pain, but it doesn’t treat the condition. There are also others who have been treated by the technique. Others take only one adjustment while some need more. Dr. Kim will customize a plan based on the expectations and needs of the patient to achieve the desired results.