Chronic Migraines & Headaches - Treatment Options in in Altamonte Springs
If you have chronic migraines or cluster headaches, you know how much it can affect your daily life. This can keep you from being active. But finding the cause of your pain can be tough, because many problems can trigger it. Dr. Kim can find out why you are hurting, and can help give you relief.
What Causes a Migraine?
Potential Migraine Triggers
Causes Much about migraines isn't understood. Many researchers believe that a migraine can be caused by a change in hormone levels in the brain. Migraines can be triggered by stress, bright lights and certain smells. They can also be caused by medications, and by getting too little or too much sleep. Certain foods may trigger migraines. These include alcohol, aged cheeses, chocolate, and foods containing aspartame or MSG (monosodium glutamate).
Common Migraine Symptoms
Symptoms A typical migraine results in moderate to severe pain. This pain is often felt on only one side of the head. The pain may interfere with a person's activities. Symptoms may also include nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Some people see sparkling flashes of light, spots, or dazzling lines before a migraine. These are called "visual auras."
Care and Management of Migraines
Chiropractic care can help manage the symptoms of migraine headaches. It's a safe and effective way to deal with this painful condition. Dr. Kim can create a plan that is right for you.
How to Treat Cluster Headaches
About Cluster Headaches
If you have cluster headaches, you know how much they can affect your daily life. They can be very painful. The attacks can come in cycles that last weeks or months. These headaches can disrupt your sleep, your work and your ability to do the things you like to do. For some people, chiropractic care can help.
Cluster Headache Exam
Chiropractic care begins with an exam. You are asked about your pain and any triggers the may be causing it. Dr. Kim will look at the structure of your skeleton and muscles, and will see how your body moves. Dr. Kim will examine your spine. X-rays can help show a spinal misalignment or another problem causing your pain or making it worse.
Care and Management of Cluster Headaches
Chiropractic adjustments and other options may help you manage your headache pain. Chiropractic care may help keep your headaches from happening as often. It may help make the pain go way faster. You may benefit from a continuing care plan. Kim Chiropractic Clinic P.A. can create a plan that is right for your needs.
Altamonte Springs Chiropractor, Dr. Kim has helped many patients with their chronic migraines and headaches over the last 22 years. Contact our office to begin your path to a pain-free life.